Client Project: Jesse Palidofsky, DMV Folk Musician

A homepage to resonate with folks

Mock-up of Jesse's home page


Updating Home Page
Paid Project
8 hours


Web Designer
UI Designer


Wix icon



Jesse Plaidofsky


Jesse is a folk musician in the DMV passionate about social justice and capturing the highs and lows of the human experience. Feeling that he'd reached the edge of his skillset, but not fully satisfied with his home page, Jesse commissioned me to upgrade the home page of his musician's website to create a more inviting positive first impression and to direct people to listen to music before asking them to purchase.

Original Home Page

Jesse's original home page

Design Process


As the first post UX bootcamp project, this project provided the opportunity to practice the design process as it really happens... instead of chronological steps, this was a bit more of a meandering process that generally followed the flow below.

Before identifying design problem(s), I wanted to understand the context of Jesse's site. This allowed me to see what other musicians were doing and what types of information users are accustomed to finding on musician's websites.

1. Exploratory Research

2. Problem

3. Design

4. Review

* The scope of this project was very small. For sake of time and budget, this project did not include user interviews or testing. To see if the changes have improved the site, usability testing or google analytic data would be needed.

Design Review

Video Demo

More to come on this project!